Univerge 3C: Mobile and Desktop App

AS3 is responsible for developing the Desktop & Mobile clients for this NEC communication solution.
Working in close communication with the server team located in Chicago USA.The NEC Univerge 3C is a comprehensive software-based unified communications and collaboration solution that integrates various communication technologies to enhance collaborative experiences. 

Key features of the NEC Univerge 3C include:

  • Connect, Communicate, Collaborate: It’s designed to meet the stringent security and interoperability requirements of the U.S. Department of Defense, ensuring robust and secure communication.
  • Smart Directory: Offers a view of all contacts, their phone numbers, and their availability within the enterprise.
  • Rich Presence: This feature allows users to identify others’ availability based on their phone status, calendar information, and preferred contact device.
  • Single Number/Mailbox: Enables a single phone number for multiple devices and combines mobile and office phone messages into a single mailbox.
  • Instant Messaging/Chat: Provides a less-intrusive alternative to phone or video communication.
  • Interactive Call Screening: Acts as a virtual personal assistant for call management.
  • Softphone Functionality: Allows employees to use their computers or mobile devices for calls.
  • Audio and Desktop Video Conferencing: Enables multi-party conferences and video conferencing with ease.

MacOS and Windows Client:

Below is a training video showing some key features of the app.

Play Video

iOS and Android client

  • Multiple-party video display, presentation/file sharing, white-boarding, and remote controls.
  • Offers on-demand or automated call recording capabilities.
  • Efficiently routes calls, webchats, and emails to appropriate employees.
  • Functions across premises, cloud, or hybrid environments and supports up to 6,000 ports with up to 20 nodes deployed in the network.
  • Certified by JITC and accredited as a UC Session Controller by the DoD’s Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA).
  • Compatibility with key components like SIP trunking, enhancing capabilities and reducing operating costs.

Mobile clients for iOS and Android are developed in native technologies, ensuring maximum performance.  

While the solution is only available for paying companies you can still check the client reviews on the app store. Allowing for full call control with virtual number.